April Fool's Day Weekend April 1 - 2, 1995 Austin City Coliseum Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Admission: $5.00/adult and $2.00/child Contact: Holly Iles Event Coordinator The Robot Group 512.288.9135 roboho@io.com *click*They fly! They crawl! They dance! They even sing! Robofest 6 is a high-techno-maniacal art exhibit for all ages produced by The Robot Group in Austin, Texas. Prepare to restructure your thought processes. Robots are no longer just useful machines! They live and they are evolving! It's Survival of the Fittings this April Fool's Day Weekend at the Austin City Coliseum. Art as you know it has been transformed, digitized and cyberfied! You will never look at your PC the same way again! Joining The Robot Group this year will be Sharir Dance Company with two interactive projects. Lifeforms, a computerized choreography and animation program and The Singing Floor, a MIDI based dance floor. Expect to see a radio controlled, helium-filled, mylar-fleshed, airborne sea predator. A carved servo driven skull of rainforest wood will babble in silent incessance. Stand in a realtime warped reality of bizarre twists of perspective in the "Anti-Gravity Room." Don't forget to pick up your toll pass to the "Information Superskyway," while your there! Don't miss the most intense grass roots, techno-frenzied, interactive, hands-on experience of the year! BRING THE KIDS!
Robofest 6 is a sponsored project of:
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