Hexwalker was built from a kit produced by M & T Systems in Huntington Beach California.
The body is made of perforated circuit board material. It has three R/C type servos driving
the legs and a Basic Stamp for a brain. Antennae on the front sense
obstacles and after a few steps in reverse send the creature off on another
direction. The method used to obtain the alternating triangle gait is
ingenious in its simplicity in that it can do with three servos what usually
takes at least three per leg.
I was not totally happy with the construction
methods and materials used and decided to build my own body and legs to
attach the existing servos and brain to. This has not turned out to be as
easy as I imagined and my "Hexwalker Mark II" is still undergoing
refinements. My ultimate goal is to enlarge my version to about coffee table
size then later to a size that a person could take a ride on. Stay tuned for
future announcements.
